Sunday, December 14, 2014

Costume, Lighting, and Sound


The costumes for "Noumenon" were large bags made of white Lycra Stretch fabric that fit the dancers perfectly when they are standing in a X position.
This costume forces the viewers' and dancers' focus to be on the movement created and shapes made. It conceals the dancers' faces, gender, and the shapes of their bodies. Nikolais didn't think that it was necessary for the audience to relate to the dancers. This shocked audiences who were used to narratives and emotions. "Dance is motion, not emotion," is a quote from Nikolais.

Another interesting quality of this costume is that it completely obscured the dancers vision. It must have been extremely disorienting to dance a duet that is in complete unison without being about to see your partner or even whether you were facing the audience.


Even though the costumes were white, Nikolais used lighting to manipulate what the audience saw. He used elaborate lighting scores way before any of his peers. 

He was also the first person to illuminate his dancers from the side. Before, overheard lighting was used to replicate natural lighting. Nikolais found that this type of lighting showed more of the dirty floor than the dancers. Now side lighting, or shin-busters as some performers call them, are standard stage lighting.


Nikolais often created his own music and "Noumenon" is a good example of that. He liked to combine an assortment of untraditional sounds and arrange them outside of a standard metered rhythm.

It was harder for him to accomplish this before recording devices became more accessible. As soon as he could, he got his own synthesizer. Again, he was way head of his peer when it cam to technology.

In "Noumenon", the dancers were completely depended on the music when it came to staying together since they couldn't see each other. This meant that they needed to know it the sound sequence especially well since there wasn't a consistent rhythm to the music.


  1. Before reviewing you blog, i have not know what the Noumenon is. Now, i found that it is a wonderful dance art. It needs the combination of costume, lights and sounds.

  2. The lighting in this dance is what gets me. On top of creating every aspect of this piece, he created an entirely new way to light a stage. The combination of the material used in the performance with the complicated lighting score amazes me. I didn't know the actual fabric was actually white until I had read it in this blog. The amount of tinkering or just flat out knowledge it would take to create the lighting score is astronomical.

  3. Well, these videos are so fantastic. When I saw your topic "Noumenon", I was confused on what is "noumenon". After watching these videos and and reading these, I am attracted by it. These dance performan are not focus on individual person, we pay more attention on the movement and the stage effect. All of costume, Lighting, and Sound are really fantastic, I love it.
